Tuesday, August 30, 2016

How to effectively clean a room

Hello, everyone, this Poppy. I couldn't think up an accent I wanted to use so you'll just have to make one up today. On that note,  I will be explaining to you today how to clean your room in an incredibly short amount of time. Now I know you're thinking,  This is a blog about enjoying the benefits of childhood. Why bring cleaning into this?  Because all of us who have ever played with toys know that messes happen, A LOT.  SO we have to clean up our messes. Now this can take anywhere from 5 seconds to 5 hours! I am a notoriously messy person especially when I am in the middle of something. (blogging, crafting, playing, sleeping) And when I am working on something, I don't want to have to stop and give my room a through cleaning. My mom says that if you just clean up whatever you drag out, you wont ever have a mess. Now what if you need LOTS  of things out? MESS! Complete and total MESS! Then you have to clean it up. SO how do you do this quickly and still continue with your project? I will tell you my secret.
The absolute best way to do anything besides grammar and government is with music! To help me clean up I have what I call the Disney challenge. 
*First, you assess your mess! Look at how much you have to clean and set a goal on how much you want to get done. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! DON'T SKIP THIS STEP! Usually for me this is just the bare minimum I have to do to make my room look clean.
* Second, find your favorite Disney song. Villain Songs often have a fast, heavy, theatrical beat that is good fro working with.  For me, this is Be Prepared  from the Lion King. Video above. The time it takes to run through the song is one rotation. You have to clean up as much as you possibly can in one rotation. There are ways to cheat the system such as picking incredibly long songs. (The longest Disney song I know of currently {not counting Star Wars} is The Bells of Notre Dame. Heaven's Light/and its not so great counter part* is also pretty long.) You can use as many rotations as you need to complete your cleaning. One usually does it for me.
* Finally, clean!Work as fast as possible and good luck!        
Well, that's all for now! I have to go clean my room so I'll talk to you later. Remember, God made you special and He loves you very much! Bye!

On the subject of the Heaven's Light/Hellfire. This looks a lot worse than it is. The third word in the title is pretty awful, but rest assured there is no curse words in that song. The word ______ is used in a strictly biblical sense and while maybe not something you want someone repeating,  Frolo (the singer of the song) is using it in the proper context. The song itself is beautiful and like a sermon in song.  It tells a very moving story about a man's struggle with righteousness and temptation. For a Disney song, it has a surprisingly large amount of theology. In fact, it has more biblical truth in it than some other "christian" songs. That said, I'm finished. Have fun cleaning!                 

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